MSCPRG | Purge Designator |
MSCMON | Snapshot Monitor |
MSCNEW | Memory Based Planner |
MSCNSP | Memory-Based Snapshot |
MSCSDW | Snapshot Delete Worker |
MSCSLD | Loader Worker |
MSCAPO | Auto-Release Planned Orders |
MSCEAP | Calculate End Assemblies |
MSCPDW | Planner Delete Worker |
MSCCPP1 | Copy Production Plan |
MSCCPP2 | Copy Manufacturing Plan |
MSCCPP3 | Copy Distribution Plan |
MSCSLPPR1 | Launch Production Planning Process |
MSCSLPPR2 | Launch Manufacturing Planning Process |
MSCSLPPR3 | Launch Distribution Planning Process |
MSCNSW | Memory-Based Snapshot Worker |
MSCNCP | Net Change Simulation Planner |
MSCPDCW | Planning Operational Data Store Load Worker |
MSCPDC | Planning Operational Data Store Load |
MSCDPDC | Delete Planning Data Collection |
MSCPDPW | Planning Data Pull Worker |
MSCPDP | Planning Data Pull |
MSCDPDP | Delete Planning Data Pull |
MSCCONF | Create Component Architecture Flexfields |
MSCODW | Online Planner Delete Worker |
MSCPDCP | Planning Data Collection – Purge Staging Tables |
MSCOLP | Online Planner |
MSCEXPWF | Launch Advanced Planning Exceptions Workflow |
MSCCFPAR | Create partitions for a plan |
MSCDFPAR | Drop partitions for a plan |
MSCASKOR | Register Ask Oracle Planning question |
MSCCRPAR | Creates APS partitions |
MSCSLPPR4 | Launch Inventory Planning Process |
MSCCPP4 | Copy Inventory Plan |
MSCATPMV | Refresh Allocation Hierarchy Materialized View |
MSC_ATP_PDS_SUMM | ATP Post Plan Processing |
MSCPLID | Purge Local ID Tables and Complete Refresh for Legacy Instances |
MSCANAPP | Analyze Plan Partition |
MSCXGCAL_CP | Builds the 70 calendar for SCE |
MSCXSCP | Publish Supply Commits |
MSCPUSH | Push Plan Information |
MSCPCL | Calendar Build Program |
MSCPPM | Pre Process Monitor for XML and Flat File |
MSCCPP5 | Copy Plan |
MSCFCST | Program to Create Forecast Priority flexfield |
MSCFCONF | Create Component Architecture Inventory Flexfields |
MSCSLPPR5 | Launch Supply Chain Planning Process |
MSCONTSN | Create OE Snapshots |
MSCNWA64 | Memory Based Planner 64-bit AIX |
MSCNWH64 | Memory Based Planner 64-bit HP |
MSCNWS64 | Memory Based Planner 64-bit Sun |
MSCSTRN | Create Setup and Run Flexfield |
MSCSUPRT | Create ATP Partitions |
MSCTRIGS | Collections Triggers |
MSCSYNMS | Collections Synonyms |
MSCWIPSN | Create WIP Snapshots |
MSCATPDP | ATP Specific Data Pull |
MSCBOMSN | Create BOM Snapshots |
MSCPPW | Pre Processing Worker |
MSCLDM | Launch Flat File Loaders for Data Upload into Staging Table |
MSCDELDC | Purge ODS Data of Collections |
MSCDROPS | Drop Changed Snapshots |
MSCINVSN | Create INV Snapshots |
MSCMRPSN | Create MRP Snapshots |
MSCNTFPN | Notify Planner |
MSCPOXSN | Create PO Snapshots |
MSCCLCNC | Load ATP Summary Based on Collected Data |
MSCVIEWS | Collections Views |
MSCLSTN | Launches Listener in Fixed Date Mode Instances |
MSCPDX | Request set for Data Collection |
MSCWFRES | Reschedule Program for Workflow |
MSCXNETG | Collaborative Planning Netting Engine |
MSCXREPB | VMI Replenishment Engine |
MSCXRCAP | Concurrent Program to Receive Supplier Capacity |
MSCLOADS | User File Upload |
MSCOLPA64 | Online Planner 64-bit AIX |
MSCNCPA64 | Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit AIX |
MSCOLPH64 | Online Planner 64-bit HP |
MSCNCPH64 | Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit HP |
MSCOLPS64 | Online Planner 64-bit SUN |
MSCNCPS64 | Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit SUN |
MSCXLD | Supply Chain Collaboration Load |
MRPRSHPO | Reschedule PO |
COUNT_ATP_EXCP | Calculate Exception Count for ATP Exceptions |
MSCSETPROF | Upload Profile Values |
MSCPROFP | Process Profile Values |
MSCLDPROF | Load Profiles |
MSCLDPRF | Download Profile Option Values |
MSCA2AXML | Send XML Releases to Legacy Sources |
MSCEPPM | Pre Process Monitor for Flat File |
MSCELDM | Launch Flat File Loaders for Data Upload into Staging Table |
MSC_ATP_24X7_SYNC | ATP 24×7 Plan Synchronization Program |
MSCUIPURGE | MSC Purge UI Plan Data |
MSCAUTPW | Planning Data Pull Worker |
MSCAUTP | Planning Data Pull |
MSCSWPLN | Switch Temp and original plans during 24X7ATP |
MSCCLRES | Calculate the Resource Availability |
MSCDRPSN | Program to drop the Collections snapshot |
MSDPDC | Demand Planning Setup Data Pull |
MSDPDP | Demand Planning Setup Data Collect |
MSDBCP | Demand Planning BOM Data Post Processing |
MSDBDP | Oracle Demand Planning BOM Data Pull |
MSDBDC | Demand Planning BOM Data Collect |
MSC_ATP_REFRESH_WB | Recalculate Allocation Data |
MSCAUT1 | Planning Data Pull |
MSCPST | Purging the legacy data from Staging tables. |
MSC_COMPARE_EXCEPTIONS | Compare Plan Exceptions |
MSCKPIREF | Refresh One KPI Summary Table |
MSC_REFRESH_KPI | Refresh KPI Summary Data |
MSCREFMV | Refresh Materialized Views |
MSCATPPURG | This concurrent program purges temporary data generated for each ATP inquiry or scheduling |
MSCXLOGR | Oracle Supply Chain Exchange Auditing/Versioning Log Reader |
MSCNSPS64 | Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit SUN |
MSCNSPH64 | Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit HP |
MSCNSPA64 | Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit AIX |
MSCATPDC | ATP Data Collection |
MSDBDS | Oracle Demand Planning BOM Data Collection |
MSC_ATP_ODS_SUMM_NSD | Refresh MSC ATP ODS Summary for Net Change of Supplies and Demands |
MSC_ATP_ODS_SUMM_NSO | Refresh MSC ATP ODS Summary for Net Change of Sales Orders |
MSC_ATP_ODS_SUMM | Refresh MSC ATP ODS Summary Tables |
MSCXPUBF | Concurrent Program to publish forecast information to exchange |
MSCXPUBC | Concurrent Program to publish capacity information to the exchange |
MSCXPUSH | Java program for Publish To Exchange |
MSCXPULL | Java Concurrent Program to pull data from exchange |
MSCXRECC | Load capacity from Supply Chain Exchange into APS |
MRPRELWF | Start Reschedule PO workflow |
MSCRELWF | Release Supplies thru Workflow |
MSC_UI_POST_PLAN | Post Plan Program for UI |
MSCORGSP | This program is to model an Instance Org as a Supplier |
MSCEXGEN | Custom Exception Generator |
MSCXPUBO | Collaboration ODS Load |
MSCXPO | Publish Order/Returns Forecast |
MSCSNZ | Create Zone Flexfields |
MSCSLPPR6 | Launch Distribution Planning Process |
MSCWSHSN | Create WSH Snapshots |
MSCAHLSN | Create AHL Snapshots |
MSCXPHS | This program purges records from the Collaborative Planning history table – MSC_SUP_DEM_HISTORY |
MSCREFSN | Refresh Global Forecast Distribution/ Sales Order Sourcing views |
MSCPLD | Loader Worker With Direct Load Option |
MSCXEWF | Launch Collaborative Planning Exception Workflow |
MSCXVMIR | CP VMI Replenishment Engine |
MRPRELSO | Release sales order recommendations |
MSCXPSS | Publish Safety Stock |
MSCRLSOWF | Launch ASCP Release Sales Order Workflow |
MSC_ATP_NET_PLAN_SUMM | Load ATP Summary Based on Planning Output |
MSCWSMSN | Create WSM Snapshots |
MSCXCVR | Create/Update Replenishment Orders for VMI |
MSC_ADI_COLL | ASCP Data Collection thru ADI |
MSCTCST | Truncate Planning Staging Tables |
MSCADIPL | ADI Data Pull from Staging Tables to MSC Tables |
MSCALTBL | Alter Temporary ODS Tables |
MSCDRPALOC | Supply Allocation Rules Assignment Set Validation |
MSCRFPO | Restore Firm Planned Orders and Resource Requirements |
MSCTPTK | Generate Trading Partner Keys |
MSCITTK | Generate Items and Category Sets Keys |
MSCUPDDATES | Realign Operational Data Stores Dates |
MSCOLSDW | Online Scheduler Delete Worker |
MSCDSPPR2 | Launch Maintenance Schedule Process |
MSCDSPPR1 | Launch Manufacturing Schedule Process |
MSCDSCC | Detail Scheduling Planning Data Pull |
MSCDSPDC | Planning Operantional Data Store Load |
MSCDSDP | Detail Scheduling Planning Data Pull |
MSCEAMSN | Create EAM Snapshots |
MSC_RELEASE_ISO | MSC Create and Reschedule ISO |
MSCLDSCH | Launch Detailed Schedule Process |
MSCNSPWA64 | Memory-Based Snapshot |
MSCNWHPIA64 | Memory Based Planner 64-bit HP Itanium |
MSCNWL64 | Memory Based Planner 64-bit Linux |
MSCNSWWS64 | Memory-Based Snapshot Worker |
MSCNSPWS64 | Memory-Based Snapshot |
MSCNSWWH64 | Memory-Based Snapshot Worker |
MSCNSPWH64 | Memory-Based Snapshot |
MSCNSWWA64 | Memory-Based Snapshot Worker |
MSCSCPINTEG | EBS Integration Concurrent Program |
MSCNSWWHPIA64 | Memory-Based Snapshot Worker |
MSCNSWWL64 | Memory-Based Snapshot Worker |
MSCNSPWHPIA64 | Memory-Based Snapshot 64 bit HP-Itanium |
MSCNSPWL64 | Memory-Based Snapshot |
MSCCIP | Cleanup Instance Partition |
MSCSLPPR7 | Launch Supply Chain Planning Process |
MSCSLPPR8 | Launch Inventory Planning Process |
MSCCPP7 | Copy Distribution Plan |
MSCCPP6 | Copy SRP Plan |
MSCHUBRMV | Refresh APCC Materialized Views |
MSCRLERO | Release ERO To SOurce |
MSCHUBA | Archive Plan Summary |
MSCHUBP | Purge Plan Summary |
MSC_UPDATE_CRIT_CATEGORY | Update Criticality Category Matrix |
MSCTRITM | Create Collections Item Snapshot Triggers |
MSCTRRTG | Create Collections Routing Snapshot Triggers |
MSCTRBOM | Create Collections BOM Snapshot Triggers |
MSCTRWIP | Create Collections WIP Snapshot Triggers |
MSCTRSUP | Create Collections Supply Snapshot Triggers |
MSCTRDEM | Create Collections Demand Snapshot Triggers |
MSCTROTH | Create Collections Other Snapshot Triggers |
MSCTRRPO | Create Collections Repair Order Snapshot Triggers |
MSCVWITM | Create Collections Item Views |
MSCVWRTG | Create Collections Routing Views |
MSCVWBOM | Create Collections BOM Views |
MSCVWWIP | Create Collections WIP Views |
MSCVWSUP | Create Collections Supply Views |
MSCVWDEM | Create Collections Demand Views |
MSCVWOTH | Create Collections Other Views |
MSCVWRPO | Create Collections Repair Order Views |
MSCVWSTP | Create Collections Setup Views |
MSCCLMISC | Executes specified API |
MSCSCPPS | Launch Production Scheduler |
MSCSCPSNO | Launch Strategic Planner |
MSCHUB1 | Archive Plan Exception Summary |
MSCHUB2 | Archive Plan Resource Summary |
MSCHUB3 | Archive Plan Supplier Summary |
MSCHUB4 | Archive Plan Supply Summary |
MSCHUB5 | Archive Plan Demand Summary |
MSCHUB6 | Archive Plan Item Summary |
MSC_SCN_SCH_BPEL | Schedule Planning Process |
MSCRLIRO | Release IRO to Source |
MSCCSPSN | Create CSP Snapshots |
MSCCLRFS | APS Collections Refresh Snapshot Thread |
MSCSNOPUBLISH | Publish Sno Plan |
MSCFCS | Memory Based Forecaster |
MSCOLPHPIA64 | Online Planner 64-bit HP-Itanium |
MSCNCPHPIA64 | Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit HP-Itanium |
MSCOLPL64 | Online Planner 64-bit Linux |
MSCNSPL64 | Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit Linux |
MSCNCPL64 | Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit Linux |
MSCSCNWF | Launch Process Activity Notifications |
MSCSCNPRG | Purge Scenario |
MSCSCNAR | Archive Scenario |
MSCPLNPRG | SCN:Purge Plan |
MSC_SCN_READ_BPEL | Read Planning Process Activities |
MSCHUBFX | Export Plan Summary |
MSCHUBA2 | Archive One Package |
MSCPURODSENT | Planning Data Pull |
MSCHUBF2 | Transfer One Table |
MSCHUBFI | Import Plan Summary |
MSCE1DEMSH | Loading Demantra Sales History |
MSCE1APSPL | Loading Price List and Uom |
MSCE1APSPTP | Loading PTP Collections |
MSCPURLEGODSENT | Purge ODS Leg Instance Entity data |
MSCE1PDP | E1 Planning Data Pull |
MSCE1DSM | Collect Deductions Settlement Management Data |
MSCE1PPR | Publish Planning Results |
MSCE1FSS | Publish Forecast Source System |
MSCE1PUBDSM | Publish Deductions Settlement Management Results |
MSCE1PUBPTP | Publish Predictive Trade Planning Results |
Monday, 13 July 2015
Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Concurrent Programs
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