
Monday, 20 July 2015

Oracle Order Management - Tax calculation stages that occur in Sales Order

In Oracle Order Management - Tax calculation can be controlled at the order header level during any one of the below events only.

At the time of
1. Order Entry (or)
2. Order Booking (or)
3. Invoicing

This is specified when Order Types are created in the Order Management Transaction Types window that when to calculate the tax for an entire order.


India Local Order Management > Oracle Order Management > Setup > Transaction Types > Define > Finance Tab

Order Entry:

With tax calculation at Entry, tax is calculated as each order line is entered. This tax calculation is used, for example, in businesses that require the user performing order entry to view the total of the order, including tax, so it can be quoted to a customer. To include tax in commitment applied amount, set the tax event to entry.


Order Booking:

When tax calculation occurs at Booking, tax is calculated on each of the booked order lines. This tax calculation option is used, for example, in business that require tax visibility for booked orders, but who want to increase order entry input times by not calculating tax at entry.


When tax calculation occurs at Invoicing, no tax calculations will occur within Order Management. Tax calculation will occur in Oracle Receivables when the order or order line is invoiced.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Concurrent Programs



MSCPRG Purge Designator
MSCMON Snapshot Monitor
MSCNEW Memory Based Planner
MSCNSP Memory-Based Snapshot
MSCSDW Snapshot Delete Worker
MSCSLD Loader Worker
MSCAPO Auto-Release Planned Orders
MSCEAP Calculate End Assemblies
MSCPDW Planner Delete Worker
MSCCPP1 Copy Production Plan
MSCCPP2 Copy Manufacturing Plan
MSCCPP3 Copy Distribution Plan
MSCSLPPR1 Launch Production Planning Process
MSCSLPPR2 Launch Manufacturing Planning Process
MSCSLPPR3 Launch Distribution Planning Process
MSCNSW Memory-Based Snapshot Worker
MSCNCP Net Change Simulation Planner
MSCPDCW Planning Operational Data Store Load Worker
MSCPDC Planning Operational Data Store Load
MSCDPDC Delete Planning Data Collection
MSCPDPW Planning Data Pull Worker
MSCPDP Planning Data Pull
MSCDPDP Delete Planning Data Pull
MSCCONF Create Component Architecture Flexfields
MSCODW Online Planner Delete Worker
MSCPDCP Planning Data Collection – Purge Staging Tables
MSCOLP Online Planner
MSCEXPWF Launch Advanced Planning Exceptions Workflow
MSCCFPAR Create partitions for a plan
MSCDFPAR Drop partitions for a plan
MSCASKOR Register Ask Oracle Planning question
MSCCRPAR Creates APS partitions
MSCSLPPR4 Launch Inventory Planning Process
MSCCPP4 Copy Inventory Plan
MSCATPMV Refresh Allocation Hierarchy Materialized View
MSC_ATP_PDS_SUMM ATP Post Plan Processing
MSCPLID Purge Local ID Tables and Complete Refresh for Legacy Instances
MSCANAPP Analyze Plan Partition
MSCXGCAL_CP Builds the 70 calendar for SCE
MSCXSCP Publish Supply Commits
MSCPUSH Push Plan Information
MSCPCL Calendar Build Program
MSCPPM Pre Process Monitor for XML and Flat File
MSCCPP5 Copy Plan
MSCFCST Program to Create Forecast Priority flexfield
MSCFCONF Create Component Architecture Inventory Flexfields
MSCSLPPR5 Launch Supply Chain Planning Process
MSCONTSN Create OE Snapshots
MSCNWA64 Memory Based Planner 64-bit AIX
MSCNWH64 Memory Based Planner 64-bit HP
MSCNWS64 Memory Based Planner 64-bit Sun
MSCSTRN Create Setup and Run Flexfield
MSCSUPRT Create ATP Partitions
MSCTRIGS Collections Triggers
MSCSYNMS Collections Synonyms
MSCWIPSN Create WIP Snapshots
MSCATPDP ATP Specific Data Pull
MSCBOMSN Create BOM Snapshots
MSCPPW Pre Processing Worker
MSCLDM Launch Flat File Loaders for Data Upload into Staging Table
MSCDELDC Purge ODS Data of Collections
MSCDROPS Drop Changed Snapshots
MSCINVSN Create INV Snapshots
MSCMRPSN Create MRP Snapshots
MSCNTFPN Notify Planner
MSCPOXSN Create PO Snapshots
MSCCLCNC Load ATP Summary Based on Collected Data
MSCVIEWS Collections Views
MSCLSTN Launches Listener in Fixed Date Mode Instances
MSCPDX Request set for Data Collection
MSCWFRES Reschedule Program for Workflow
MSCXNETG Collaborative Planning Netting Engine
MSCXREPB VMI Replenishment Engine
MSCXRCAP Concurrent Program to Receive Supplier Capacity
MSCLOADS User File Upload
MSCOLPA64 Online Planner 64-bit AIX
MSCNCPA64 Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit AIX
MSCOLPH64 Online Planner 64-bit HP
MSCNCPH64 Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit HP
MSCOLPS64 Online Planner 64-bit SUN
MSCNCPS64 Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit SUN
MSCXLD Supply Chain Collaboration Load
MRPRSHPO Reschedule PO
COUNT_ATP_EXCP Calculate Exception Count for ATP Exceptions
MSCSETPROF Upload Profile Values
MSCPROFP Process Profile Values
MSCLDPROF Load Profiles
MSCLDPRF Download Profile Option Values
MSCA2AXML Send XML Releases to Legacy Sources
MSCEPPM Pre Process Monitor for Flat File
MSCELDM Launch Flat File Loaders for Data Upload into Staging Table
MSC_ATP_24X7_SYNC ATP 24×7 Plan Synchronization Program
MSCAUTPW Planning Data Pull Worker
MSCAUTP Planning Data Pull
MSCSWPLN Switch Temp and original plans during 24X7ATP
MSCCLRES Calculate the Resource Availability
MSCDRPSN Program to drop the Collections snapshot
MSDPDC Demand Planning Setup Data Pull
MSDPDP Demand Planning Setup Data Collect
MSDBCP Demand Planning BOM Data Post Processing
MSDBDP Oracle Demand Planning BOM Data Pull
MSDBDC Demand Planning BOM Data Collect
MSC_ATP_REFRESH_WB Recalculate Allocation Data
MSCAUT1 Planning Data Pull
MSCPST Purging the legacy data from Staging tables.
MSC_COMPARE_EXCEPTIONS Compare Plan Exceptions
MSCKPIREF Refresh One KPI Summary Table
MSC_REFRESH_KPI Refresh KPI Summary Data
MSCREFMV Refresh Materialized Views
MSCATPPURG This concurrent program purges temporary data generated for each ATP inquiry or scheduling
MSCXLOGR Oracle Supply Chain Exchange Auditing/Versioning Log Reader
MSCNSPS64 Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit SUN
MSCNSPH64 Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit HP
MSCNSPA64 Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit AIX
MSCATPDC ATP Data Collection
MSDBDS Oracle Demand Planning BOM Data Collection
MSC_ATP_ODS_SUMM_NSD Refresh MSC ATP ODS Summary for Net Change of Supplies and Demands
MSC_ATP_ODS_SUMM_NSO Refresh MSC ATP ODS Summary for Net Change of Sales Orders
MSC_ATP_ODS_SUMM Refresh MSC ATP ODS Summary Tables
MSCXPUBF Concurrent Program to publish forecast information to exchange
MSCXPUBC Concurrent Program to publish capacity information to the exchange
MSCXPUSH Java program for Publish To Exchange
MSCXPULL Java Concurrent Program to pull data from exchange
MSCXRECC Load capacity from Supply Chain Exchange into APS
MRPRELWF Start Reschedule PO workflow
MSCRELWF Release Supplies thru Workflow
MSC_UI_POST_PLAN Post Plan Program for UI
MSCORGSP This program is to model an Instance Org as a Supplier
MSCEXGEN Custom Exception Generator
MSCXPUBO Collaboration ODS Load
MSCXPO Publish Order/Returns Forecast
MSCSNZ Create Zone Flexfields
MSCSLPPR6 Launch Distribution Planning Process
MSCWSHSN Create WSH Snapshots
MSCAHLSN Create AHL Snapshots
MSCXPHS This program purges records from the  Collaborative Planning history table – MSC_SUP_DEM_HISTORY
MSCREFSN Refresh Global Forecast Distribution/ Sales Order Sourcing views
MSCPLD Loader Worker With Direct Load Option
MSCXEWF Launch Collaborative Planning Exception Workflow
MSCXVMIR CP VMI Replenishment Engine
MRPRELSO Release sales order recommendations
MSCXPSS Publish Safety Stock
MSCRLSOWF Launch ASCP Release Sales Order Workflow
MSC_ATP_NET_PLAN_SUMM Load ATP Summary Based on Planning Output
MSCWSMSN Create WSM Snapshots
MSCXCVR Create/Update Replenishment Orders for VMI
MSC_ADI_COLL ASCP Data Collection thru ADI
MSCTCST Truncate Planning Staging Tables
MSCADIPL ADI Data Pull from Staging Tables to MSC Tables
MSCALTBL Alter Temporary ODS Tables
MSCDRPALOC Supply Allocation Rules Assignment Set Validation
MSCRFPO Restore Firm Planned Orders and Resource Requirements
MSCTPTK Generate Trading Partner Keys
MSCITTK Generate Items and Category Sets Keys
MSCUPDDATES Realign Operational Data Stores Dates
MSCOLSDW Online Scheduler Delete Worker
MSCDSPPR2 Launch Maintenance Schedule Process
MSCDSPPR1 Launch Manufacturing Schedule Process
MSCDSCC Detail Scheduling Planning Data Pull
MSCDSPDC Planning Operantional Data Store Load
MSCDSDP Detail Scheduling Planning Data Pull
MSCEAMSN Create EAM Snapshots
MSC_RELEASE_ISO MSC Create and Reschedule ISO
MSCLDSCH Launch Detailed Schedule Process
MSCNSPWA64 Memory-Based Snapshot
MSCNWHPIA64 Memory Based Planner 64-bit HP Itanium
MSCNWL64 Memory Based Planner 64-bit Linux
MSCNSWWS64 Memory-Based Snapshot Worker
MSCNSPWS64 Memory-Based Snapshot
MSCNSWWH64 Memory-Based Snapshot Worker
MSCNSPWH64 Memory-Based Snapshot
MSCNSWWA64 Memory-Based Snapshot Worker
MSCSCPINTEG EBS Integration Concurrent Program
MSCNSWWHPIA64 Memory-Based Snapshot Worker
MSCNSWWL64 Memory-Based Snapshot Worker
MSCNSPWHPIA64 Memory-Based Snapshot 64 bit HP-Itanium
MSCNSPWL64 Memory-Based Snapshot
MSCCIP Cleanup Instance Partition
MSCSLPPR7 Launch Supply Chain Planning Process
MSCSLPPR8 Launch Inventory Planning Process
MSCCPP7 Copy Distribution Plan
MSCHUBRMV Refresh APCC Materialized Views
MSCRLERO Release ERO To SOurce
MSCHUBA Archive Plan Summary
MSCHUBP Purge Plan Summary
MSC_UPDATE_CRIT_CATEGORY Update Criticality Category Matrix
MSCTRITM Create Collections Item Snapshot Triggers
MSCTRRTG Create Collections Routing Snapshot Triggers
MSCTRBOM Create Collections BOM Snapshot Triggers
MSCTRWIP Create Collections WIP Snapshot Triggers
MSCTRSUP Create Collections Supply Snapshot Triggers
MSCTRDEM Create Collections Demand Snapshot Triggers
MSCTROTH Create Collections Other Snapshot Triggers
MSCTRRPO Create Collections Repair Order Snapshot Triggers
MSCVWITM Create Collections Item Views
MSCVWRTG Create Collections Routing Views
MSCVWBOM Create Collections BOM Views
MSCVWWIP Create Collections WIP Views
MSCVWSUP Create Collections Supply Views
MSCVWDEM Create Collections Demand Views
MSCVWOTH Create Collections Other Views
MSCVWRPO Create Collections Repair Order Views
MSCVWSTP Create Collections Setup Views
MSCCLMISC Executes specified API
MSCSCPPS Launch Production Scheduler
MSCSCPSNO Launch Strategic Planner
MSCHUB1 Archive Plan Exception Summary
MSCHUB2 Archive Plan Resource Summary
MSCHUB3 Archive Plan Supplier Summary
MSCHUB4 Archive Plan Supply Summary
MSCHUB5 Archive Plan Demand Summary
MSCHUB6 Archive Plan Item Summary
MSC_SCN_SCH_BPEL Schedule Planning Process
MSCRLIRO Release IRO to Source
MSCCSPSN Create CSP Snapshots
MSCCLRFS APS Collections Refresh Snapshot Thread
MSCFCS Memory Based Forecaster
MSCOLPHPIA64 Online Planner 64-bit HP-Itanium
MSCNCPHPIA64 Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit HP-Itanium
MSCOLPL64 Online Planner 64-bit Linux
MSCNSPL64 Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit Linux
MSCNCPL64 Net Change Simulation Planner 64-bit Linux
MSCSCNWF Launch Process Activity Notifications
MSCSCNPRG Purge Scenario
MSCSCNAR Archive Scenario
MSC_SCN_READ_BPEL Read Planning Process Activities
MSCHUBFX Export Plan Summary
MSCHUBA2 Archive One Package
MSCPURODSENT Planning Data Pull
MSCHUBF2 Transfer One Table
MSCHUBFI Import Plan Summary
MSCE1DEMSH Loading Demantra Sales History
MSCE1APSPL Loading Price List and Uom
MSCE1APSPTP Loading PTP Collections
MSCPURLEGODSENT Purge ODS Leg Instance Entity data
MSCE1PDP E1 Planning Data Pull
MSCE1DSM Collect Deductions Settlement Management Data
MSCE1PPR Publish Planning Results
MSCE1FSS Publish Forecast Source System
MSCE1PUBDSM Publish Deductions Settlement Management Results
MSCE1PUBPTP Publish Predictive Trade Planning Results

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Automatic Document Creation in Oracle Purchasing - ADC

The Concept:

           ADC is created for the documents like Blanket Purchase Agreement, Approved Quotes, and Contract Purchase Agreements to Release the Purchase Orders automatically.

The Process Flow:

STEP 1: Item Creation

Let’s create an item in Master Inventory with below details.


  • Unit Price : $15
  • Purchasing Template
  • Use Approved Supplier
  • Inventory Planning Method: Min-Max
  • Min-Max quantity : 25-50
  • Source Type: Supplier

  • Now let’s open a normal purchase order and Type selected as Blanket Purchase Agreement and approve as below.

Navigation: Purchasing->Purchase orders->Purchase orders.

Step 2: Approved Supplier List

Navigation: Purchasing->Supplier Base->Approved Supplier List.

  • Enter the item we created and fill in the key Attributes as below.

  • Save the above dialog box and Click on Attributes, and you will see the below form.
  • Mention the Blanket Purchase Agreement number we created before.
  • Release Method as "Automatic Release".


Now let’s create Sourcing rules as below.
Navigation: Purchasing->Supplier Base->Sourcing Rules

Here we have created the sourcing rules as Test_Source_ADC.

 STEP 4: Assign Sourcing Rules

  • Now let’s assign the sourcing rule we created before, to this form, and Assignment Set as Test_Assignment_ADC

  • And if we scroll to the right above we can view Sourcing Rule/BoD where we can attach the sourcing rule we created, as below and save the form.

    STEP 5: MRP Profile Option Set

  • Switch to System Administrator responsibility and select Purchasing as responsibility.
  • Profile: %MRP%Default% and attaché our assignment set (Test_Assignment_ADC)
  • Profile Option: MRP: Default Sourcing Assignment Set 

STEP 6: Run Min-Max Planning Report and Requisition Report

  • Switch to inventory responsibility and run the Min-max planning as below.
  • Navigation: Inventory->Planning-> Min-Max Planning

& view the output.

  • Simultaneously run "Requisition Import" report from purchasing responsibility
Navigation: view->Requests->Submit new request

  • As soon as you run it, you can view four concurrent programs running at the background.

    STEP 7: Releasing PO

  • Now open Requisition summary and query by our item created: MOBILE.

    Navigation: Purchasing ->Requisitions->Requisition Summary

  • You can view the requisition line summary as below.

  • Now we are in the final step of the process.
  • Open the Purchase Order  Summary, query by our item created (MOBILE) and make sure to check the View Releases check box.

  • Now below we can view our release option dialog box.

  • Click on Open and Approve the BPA release order.

  • Meanwhile we can check our detailed agreement value and release amount by click on agreement Tab above.

  • The total Agreement amount is $50,000 and we have released an order for $780, similarly we can release multiple BPA orders correspondingly.
  • This completes the process of Automatic Document Creation in Purchasing. 

Monday, 6 July 2015

Purchase Order Types

            Purchasing provides the following purchase order types: Standard Purchase Order, Planned Purchase Order, Blanket Purchase Agreement, and Contract Purchase Agreement. You can use the Document Name field in the Document Types window to change the names of these documents. For example, if you enter Regular Purchase Order in the Document Name field for the Standard Purchase Order type, your choices in the Type field in the Purchase Orders window will be Regular Purchase Order, Planned Purchase Order, Blanket Purchase Agreement, and Contract Purchase Agreement.

Standard Purchase Orders

            You generally create standard purchase orders for one-time purchase of various items. You create standard purchase orders when you know the details of the goods or services you require, estimated costs, quantities, delivery schedules, and accounting distributions. If you use encumbrance accounting, the purchase order may be encumbered since the required information is known.

Blanket Purchase Agreements

            You create blanket purchase agreements when you know the detail of the goods or services you plan to buy from a specific supplier in a period, but you do not yet know the detail of your delivery schedules. You can use blanket purchase agreements to specify negotiated prices for your items before actually purchasing them.

Blanket Releases

            You can issue a blanket release against a blanket purchase agreement to place the actual order (as long as the release is within the blanket agreement effectivity dates). If you use encumbrance accounting, you can encumber each release.

Contract Purchase Agreements

            You create contract purchase agreements with your suppliers to agree on specific terms and conditions without indicating the goods and services that you will be purchasing. You can later issue standard purchase orders referencing your contracts, and you can encumber these purchase orders if you use encumbrance accounting.

Planned Purchase Orders

            A planned purchase order is a long-term agreement committing to buy items or services from a single source. You must specify tentative delivery schedules and all details for goods or services that you want to buy, including charge account, quantities, and estimated cost.

Scheduled Releases

            You can issue scheduled releases against a planned purchase order to place the actual orders. If you use encumbrance accounting, you can use the planned purchase order to reserve funds for long term agreements. You can also change the accounting distributions on each release and the system will reverse the encumbrance for the planned purchase order and create a new encumbrance for the release.

Purchase Order Types Summary

Standard Purchase Order
Planned Purchase Order
Blanket Purchase Agreement
Contract Purchase Agreement

Terms and Conditions Known
Goods or Services Known
Pricing Known
Quantity Known
Account Distributions Known
Delivery Schedule Known
Can Be Encumbered
Can Encumber Releases