
Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Important FND Tables in EBS

FND stands for foundation tables which is combination of AOL, SYSTEM, ADMINISTRATOR, MODULES tables and is placed under FND_TOP. Below i have listed few key FND tables that along with the little description of what is it used for :
FND_APP_SERVERS : This table will track the servers used by the E-Business Suite system.
FND_DATABASES : It tracks the databases employed by the eBusiness suite. This table stores information about the database that is not instance specific.
FND_DATABASE_INSTANCES : Stores instance specific information. Every database has one or more instance.
FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS : Stores information relating a document to an application entity.
FND_DOCUMENTS : Stores language-independent information about a document.
FND_CURRENCIES : Stores information about currencies.
FND_LANGUAGES : Stores information regarding languages and dialects.
FND_TERRITORIES : Stores information for countries, alternatively known as territories.
FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES : Stores information about concurrent managers.
FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSORS : Stores information about immediate (subroutine) concurrent program libraries.
FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS(_TL) : Stores information about concurrent programs. Each row includes a name and description of the concurrent program.
FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES : Stores information about concurrent managers.
FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUE_SIZE : Stores information about the number of requests a concurrent manager can process at once, according to its work shift.
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS : Stores information about individual concurrent requests.
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST_CLASS : Stores information about concurrent request types.
FND_CONC_REQ_OUTPUTS : This table stores output files created by Concurrent Request.
FND_EXECUTABLES : Stores information about concurrent program executables.
FND_DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXS(_TL) : Stores setup information about descriptive flexfields.
FND_FLEX_VALUES : Stores valid values for key and descriptive flexfield segments.
FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS : Stores information about the value sets used by both key and descriptive flexfields.
FND_LOOKUPS : Stores information about lookup types.
FND_LOOKUP_VALUES : Stores meaning values and codes for lookup types.
FND_MENUS(_TL) : It lists the menus that appear in the Navigate Window, as determined by the System Administrator when defining responsibilities for function security.
FND_MENU_ENTRIES : Stores information about individual entries in the menus in FND_MENUS.
FND_REQUEST_GROUPS : Stores information about report security groups.
FND_REQUEST_SETS : Stores information about report sets.
FND_RESPONSIBILITY(_TL) : Stores information about responsibilities.
FND_RESP_FUNCTIONS : Stores security exclusion rules for function security menus. Security exclusion rules are lists of functions and menus inaccessible to a particular responsibility.
FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS : Stores information about profile options.
FND_SECURITY_GROUPS : Stores information about security groups used to partition data in a Service Bureau architecture.
FND_USER : Stores information about application users.
FND_APPLICATION(_TL) : Stores applications registered with Oracle Application Object Library.
FND_SEQUENCES : Stores information about the registered sequences in your applications.
FND_VIEWS : Stores information about the registered views in your applications.
FND_TABLES : Stores information about the registered tables in your applications.

Menu in Oracle Apps

Menu in Oracle Apps

Menu is nothing but a logical or hierarchical listing of functions (forms) so that the user can easily navigate through the forms once he is in a responsibility.
Every responsibility will be assigned only one main menu. Under that main menu, you can have either have other sub menus or functions.
Functions are nothing but the forms which ultimately the users would like to work on.
One menu can be assigned to multiple responsibilities
The below screenshot clearly identifies what Responsibility, Main Menu, Sub menu and Function are:
Heirarchical representation of Menus:
If you log in to System Administrator responsibility, you will see a whole lot of menus. To get to Users form, you will have to traverse to Security > Users > Define. To get to the Responsibility form, you need to traverse to Security > Responsibility > Define. Say the user wants to create a new menu called erpSchools Access Menu that will only have Users and Responsibility form directly instead of traversing through multiple sub menus and functions.
Now let’s see the steps to build custom menu:
1. First identify the function name of Users Form.
Navigate to System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Define
Query for “System Administrator”
The value that you see in the Menu field is the Main Menu attached to this responsibility. Copy that.
Navigate to System Administrator > Application > Menu
Query for User Menu Name as “Navigator Menu – System Administrator GUI” (the one copied from Menu field value in responsibility screen).
We are looking for the exact Function name of Users form. If you remember, Users form is under Security sub menu. So now go to Security. If you observe Function field is empty instead you see a value under Sub Menu. This means Security is another sub menu and not a form/function by itself. Copy the Sub Menu value.
In the same Menus form, now query for “Security Menu – System Administrator GUI” as User Menu Name. Since we know our Users forms is under Security > Users, look for User Sub menu and make a note of its Sub menu name (Users has another sub menu)
In the same Menus form, now query for “User Menu – System Administrator GUI” as User Menu Name. You will see “Users” under Function field which means that node is the last one. There are no more sub menus. And that is the one we are interested in. Make a note of the function name – Users.
2.Identify the function name for Responsibility form:
By following the same drill as above, we will know that function name for Responsibility form is Responsibilities.
3.Let’s create a new menu
Navigate to System Administrator > Application > Menu
Enter the below details:
Menu: ERPSCHOOLS_ACCESS_MENU (Short name for your menu for internal use)
User Menu Name: erpSchools Access Menu (Menu Name users see for this menu)
Menu Type: Enter Standard here
Possible Values for Menu type:
Standard – for menus that would be used in the Navigator form
Tab – for menus used in self service applications tabs
Security – for menus that are used to aggregate functions for data security or specific function security purposes, but would not be used in the Navigator form
Description: Meaningful description for this menu
Now enter the menu entries, here we want Users and Responsibilities functions under our menu.
Seq: 1 (the sequence in which you wish to see the menu entries)
Prompt: Users – Define (Users will see this name under the menu)
Function: Users (Function name which we have identifies in step 1)
Similarly make an entry for Responsibilities function
Seq: 2 (the sequence in which you wish to see the menu entries)
Prompt: Responsibilities – Define (Users will see this name under the menu)
Function: Responsibilities (Function name which we have identifies in step 2)
Save the work.
With this we have created a new menu which will have Users and Responsibilities forms.
4. We have to assign this menu to some responsibility to be able to access this menu. We will cover that in the next article Responsibilities in Oracle Apps.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Requisition Cancellation

Requisition Cancellation

Requisition line can be cancelled by two methods:

ü  Cancel Requisition Line
ü  Finally Close

·         Cancel Requisition Line:
The line will be cancelled and the quantity will be available in Cancelled Quantity field only, the item will not reflect in Autocreate menu for the mentioned requisition.

·         Finally Close:
The line will be closed and the item will not reflect in Autocreate menu for the mentioned requisition.

Responsibility: India Local Purchasing > Oracle Purchasing > Requisitions > Requisition Summary > Lines > Tools > Control.

·         Cancel Requisition Line:

1.       Query Requisition from Requisition Summary 
        (Here ref – 196 queried which is in Incomplete status with multiple line items):

2.       Approved status of requisition in the summary

3.     Select the Line which is to be cancelled in the summary form. (S no – 5 selected here)

4.      Navigate to Tools > Control

5.      Selected the “Cancel Requisition Line”  and define with reason.

6.      Displays Warning Message “Once document is cancelled it cannot be undone”.

7.      Warning Message displays “Control action is completed successfully. Please re-query to see the changes”.

8.      Requery the summary – The line no : 5 show as cancelled with reason.

·         Finally Close:

1.      Select the Line which is to be Finally Close in the summary form. (S no – 4 selected here)

2.      Navigate to Tools > Control, Select Finally Closed and provide reason.

3.      Requery the summary – The line no : 4 show as Closed with reason.

·         Auto Create Process:

1.      Query the Requisition Number in the Auto Create Menu.

2.      Line nos - 1, 2 & 3 is available for conversion in Autocreate Menu.  

Enable Diagnostics in Oracle Apps

Enable Diagnostics in Oracle apps
How to enable Oracle apps Diagnostics-> Examine, for certain users?
Steps 1
Navigate to System Administrator responsibility> Profile> System>

Steps 2
Enter profile name: Utilities:Diagnostics
Enter Application User for whom you want to enable Diagnostics-> Examine

Steps 3
Give Yes at User level and Save the Changes
Note –
You can set Yes at Site level also if you want to enable this option for all Oracle application users

Steps 4
Again navigate to System Administrator responsibility> Profile> System>
Enter profile name: Hide Diagnostics menu entry
Enter Application User for whom you do not want to hide Diagnostics menu entry

Steps 5
Give No at User level and Save the Changes
Note –
You can set No at Site level also if you do not want to hide menu entry option for all Oracle application users

Steps 6
Congratulations you have successfully enabled Diagnostics-> Examine
Logout from Oracle Application and login again. Now can see Diagnostics-> Examine option


Personalize self service definition = YES
FND: Personalisation region link enabled = YES
Disable self-service personnel = NO at site level
FND: Diagnostics = YES
Utilities:Diagnostics = YES
Hide Diagnostics menu entry  = NO