PO Match Settings in Oracle Purchase Orders
Invoice matching can be set in five different areas of Oracle
In the list below, a setting at any level will override the settings above it.
In the list below, a setting at any level will override the settings above it.
1. Oracle
Purchasing Options
a. Navigate to: Setup > Organizations > Purchasing Options
b. Select Default Alternative Region
a. Navigate to: Setup > Organizations > Purchasing Options
b. Select Default Alternative Region
2. Supplier
a. Navigate to: Supply Base > Suppliers
b. Query on specific supplier
c. Click on Open
d. Select Receiving Alternative Region
a. Navigate to: Supply Base > Suppliers
b. Query on specific supplier
c. Click on Open
d. Select Receiving Alternative Region
3. Line Types
a. Navigate to: Setup > Purchasing > Line Types
b. In the Receipt Required field: Yes = 3-way, No = 2-way
a. Navigate to: Setup > Purchasing > Line Types
b. In the Receipt Required field: Yes = 3-way, No = 2-way
4. Items
a. Navigate to: Items > Master Items
b. Query on specific item
c. Select Purchasing Alternative Region
d. In the Invoice Matching section: Yes = 3-way, No = 2-way
a. Navigate to: Items > Master Items
b. Query on specific item
c. Select Purchasing Alternative Region
d. In the Invoice Matching section: Yes = 3-way, No = 2-way
5. Purchase Order
a. Navigate to: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders
b. Enter (header and) line information
c. Click on Shipments button
d. Select More Alternative Region
a. Navigate to: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders
b. Enter (header and) line information
c. Click on Shipments button
d. Select More Alternative Region
Ramification of
Invoice Match to PO and Invoice Match to Receipt
Oracle Payables shares purchase order information from your
purchasing system to enable online matching with invoices. Invoiced or billed
items are matched to the original purchase orders to ensure that you pay only
for the goods or services you ordered and/or received. If you are billed for an
item over the amount and quantity tolerances you define in the Invoice
Tolerance window, during Approval, Oracle Payables applies a hold to the
invoice, which prevents payment.
Oracle Payables supports three levels of matching which verify that purchase order and
invoice information match within defined tolerances.
Oracle Payables supports three levels of matching which verify that purchase order and
invoice information match within defined tolerances.
Match Approval Level: 2-Way , 3-Way, 4-Way.
In 2-way: what ever you
have ordered for the PO you will make the payment for the suppliers in 2- way
i.e we will compare two documents PO and Invoice.
2-way matching verifies that Purchase order and invoice information match within your tolerances:
Quantity billed <= Quantity Ordered
Invoice price <= Purchase order price
Eg:Suppose we Had given PO for 100 items ,for that we will receive invoice for 100 items. so that we will make payment for that 100 items.
2-way matching verifies that Purchase order and invoice information match within your tolerances:
Quantity billed <= Quantity Ordered
Invoice price <= Purchase order price
Eg:Suppose we Had given PO for 100 items ,for that we will receive invoice for 100 items. so that we will make payment for that 100 items.
In 3-Way you will
compare 3 documents i.e PO+reciept+Invoice.
3-way matching verifies that the receipt and invoice information match with the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity received.
Eg:Suppose we have ordered 100 items in PO. But we had received only 75 items ,But we had received invoice for 100 items. so, we will make payment for only 75 items.
3-way matching verifies that the receipt and invoice information match with the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity received.
Eg:Suppose we have ordered 100 items in PO. But we had received only 75 items ,But we had received invoice for 100 items. so, we will make payment for only 75 items.
In 4-Way you will
compare 4 documents i.e PO+Receipt+Invoice+Inspection.
4-way matching verifies that acceptance documents and invoice information match within the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity accepted.
Eg:Suppose we have 100 items in PO. Suppers send us 75 items We will do inspection on those items what ever we have received, If 15items got damaged. finally, we are going to make payment to the 60 items only.
4-way matching verifies that acceptance documents and invoice information match within the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity accepted.
Eg:Suppose we have 100 items in PO. Suppers send us 75 items We will do inspection on those items what ever we have received, If 15items got damaged. finally, we are going to make payment to the 60 items only.
When you match to a purchase order, Payables automatically checks
checks QUANTITY_RECEIVED (3-way matching) if the RECEIPT_REQUIRED_FLAG is set
to Y and only checks QUANTITY_ACCEPTED (4-way matching) if the
Invoice Match Option:
The Invoice Match Option determines whether or not you intend to match invoices for this supplier against purchase orders or receipts.
Invoice Match option to PO Match:
Invoice Match Option:
The Invoice Match Option determines whether or not you intend to match invoices for this supplier against purchase orders or receipts.
Invoice Match option to PO Match:
•Payables must match the invoice to the purchase order.
•If the Invoice is matched to a PO rather than to the Receipt when the AP team do a match they have the full PO available to match rather than just the specific lines on the PO that were received.
•There is a possibility someone in payables matching to the wrong distribution if they use Match to PO.
•If the Invoice is matched to a PO rather than to the Receipt when the AP team do a match they have the full PO available to match rather than just the specific lines on the PO that were received.
•There is a possibility someone in payables matching to the wrong distribution if they use Match to PO.
•The accrual is
valued at the PO exchange rate date.
Invoice Match
option to PO Match:
•Payables must match the invoice to the receipt.
•Receipt Match Option is recommended if you want accounting to use exchange rate information based on the receipt date or if you want to update exchange rate information on the receipt.
•If you use the match to receipt option AP team can’t match until the goods are received. If the receiving doesn’t happen there is no way to associate the invoice with the PO.
•Invoice processing will be on hold till a receipt is entered into the system.
•Receipt Match option determines the cost with more accuracy i.e. Match to Material item receipt and link other invoice charges to receipt and You can now also associate freight, tax, and miscellaneous charges from invoices to the related receipt.
•Run the Matching Detail Report from Other -> Request -> Run. This report will show you detail of how an invoice, purchase order, or receipt was matched. This report is especially helpful when an invoice is on hold and you are trying determine why the hold was placed.
•Receipt Match Option is recommended if you want accounting to use exchange rate information based on the receipt date or if you want to update exchange rate information on the receipt.
•If you use the match to receipt option AP team can’t match until the goods are received. If the receiving doesn’t happen there is no way to associate the invoice with the PO.
•Invoice processing will be on hold till a receipt is entered into the system.
•Receipt Match option determines the cost with more accuracy i.e. Match to Material item receipt and link other invoice charges to receipt and You can now also associate freight, tax, and miscellaneous charges from invoices to the related receipt.
•Run the Matching Detail Report from Other -> Request -> Run. This report will show you detail of how an invoice, purchase order, or receipt was matched. This report is especially helpful when an invoice is on hold and you are trying determine why the hold was placed.
The Invoice
Match Option defaults from the Supplier Sites window. You can change the
Invoice Match Option on the shipment until you receive against the shipment.
Options – Invoice Match Option:
For purchase order shipments, indicate whether you want to match invoices to purchase orders or to purchase order receipts. If the supplier was created automatically during Expense Report Import, the default value is Purchase Order, and you can change it to Receipts as appropriate.
For purchase order shipments, indicate whether you want to match invoices to purchase orders or to purchase order receipts. If the supplier was created automatically during Expense Report Import, the default value is Purchase Order, and you can change it to Receipts as appropriate.
The decision to set the Invoice match option to Receipt or
Purchase Order depends on Business Needs.
•If you are using Multi Currency Functionality for Purchase Order and if like to have the rate based on Receipt date you need to go with Receipt Match at the invoice match option.
•The main advantage is the Exchange Rate factor i.e. Receipt/Current Date instead of Purchaser Order date.
•Receipt Match gives much closer control of the matching process,Particularly where you have multiple receipts of large purchase order.
•If you are using Multi Currency Functionality for Purchase Order and if like to have the rate based on Receipt date you need to go with Receipt Match at the invoice match option.
•The main advantage is the Exchange Rate factor i.e. Receipt/Current Date instead of Purchaser Order date.
•Receipt Match gives much closer control of the matching process,Particularly where you have multiple receipts of large purchase order.
If a Business is using Invoice Match option Purhcase Order and like to change from Purchase Order to Receipt Match, then what would be the impact?
•All Supplier sites need to be updated with Invoice Match option
to Receipt.
•Purchase orders which are already approved with Invoice Match Option of Purchase order should continue with the same existing process.
•All existing Open PO, which need a change from Purchase Order to Receipt, should be corrected by changing the invoice match option in the purchase order shipment to Receipt. Payables team should match invoices to Receipt for all Purchase Orders created after the cut-off date.
•Training to AP/PO users.
•Purchase orders which are already approved with Invoice Match Option of Purchase order should continue with the same existing process.
•All existing Open PO, which need a change from Purchase Order to Receipt, should be corrected by changing the invoice match option in the purchase order shipment to Receipt. Payables team should match invoices to Receipt for all Purchase Orders created after the cut-off date.
•Training to AP/PO users.
In order for the receipt to use the current exchange rate and not
the PO exchange rate, the Invoice Match Option at the system level and on the
suppliers should be Receipt, not Purchase Order.